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The M&A Industry is Backwards

Updated: Feb 22, 2023

View Christopher Riley's Podcast on how the M&A Industry is Backwards on the Smart Business Online Network... CLICK LINK HERE

In this Podcast, Riley outlines that when you think like a buyer of a business, and not a seller of a business, you can see the acquisition-attractive changes that are needed that a buyer would pay a premium to acquire. When you customize the operations "for" the buyer, then you really have increased exit values.

He equates their Equity Revitalization™ process to an important fabulous dinner out in New York. If you had the chefs create your perfect meal, the perfect way that you like it, you would pay a premium for that meal over a similar meal on the menu at the standard price. If you would do that, a buyer would pay a premium for a business that not only was customized to easily integrate into their business, but also significantly reduced their COGS and filled a revenue gap that made that company more valuable. Here is why most investment bankers or exit planning specialists can't capitalize on this increased the time you walk into the restaurant to place your customized order, it is too late. The right chefs and the right preparations are not ready to make your customized, you just order off the menu! That's how most exit transactions happen when your first call is to an investment banker, when in actuality that should be your last call after the customizations have been completed.

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