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Actual Specific Case Studies

CLICK HERE to see a few of our detailed case studies with our affiliated partner, United Cutwater.  As you can see, we collectively approach identifying and achieving Optimum Values that are 30%, 50% and in some instances 100% above actual offers.

Case Studies of Affiliated Partners

CLICK HERE to see all our case studies, in conjunction with our affiliated partner, United Cutwater, LLC and all strategic partners and affiliates of Cutwater Capital Advisors.

Collective Specialties & Capabilities

CLICK HERE to see some of the specialties and capabilities of our various strategic partners.

At Cutwater, we believe that the best of the best should perform the various aspects of an entire strategic growth plan and exit.  Therefore, we have partnered with other investment banks, consultants and specialists that have been there before to ensure that our clients get the best in class strategic exit at the optimum value.

Advisory Partners

Estate Tax Planning;  Wealth Management;  Forensic Auditing;  Financial Management;  Charitable Planning and Family Planning

At Cutwater, we have worked with advisors in most all disciplines of estate planning, charitable and tax planning and family planning.  Our strategic partners in these arenas are at the top of their field and when appropriate, we bring in our partners to ensure an efficient and smooth exit from business ownership to family office management.

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